Strategic Insights for Global Impact

Led by former U.S. Congressman Robert Pittenger, Pittenger Global Advisory leverages enduring relationships with business and government leaders in more than 150 countries to help clients assess risk and seize business opportunities in international markets.

Pittenger Global

Your Vision, Our International Expertise

We serve as representatives for corporate, national, and sub-national entities involved in overseas transactions. Our expertise and strong relationships allow us to deliver highly sought information to our clients and unlock new opportunities for them worldwide. We are based in the United States, but conduct operations across North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. 

“I hosted a timely and informative security conference with Robert in London and can attest to his global network, convening ability and valuable geopolitical experience.”
Alicia Kearns
Member of Parliament, Chair, UK House of Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee
“Robert Pittenger understands a perilous world through clear eyes. Any entity needing to grasp the threats, challenges, and opportunities of our time would do well to follow his counsel.”
Amb. John Bolton
Former U.S. National Security Advisor

Elite Advisory Services for a Changing World

Global dynamics are rewriting the rules of international business, creating opportunities for companies that are nimble enough to capitalize. Pittenger Global Advisory deploys results-driven strategies to help companies adapt their products, approaches, and business models to new global realities.

Pittenger Global Advisory helps companies recognize trends in the global economy and seize the future. As the interplay between customers, devices, services, processes, and businesses continues to become more complex, we help companies take a more nuanced approach to identifying and creating growth opportunities.

Pittenger Global Advisory